基于Java的XML编辑器Oxygen XML Editor v12.0 (注册机+补丁) Windows/Linux 下载-

更新时间:2023-06-15 23:23:12      浏览量:63
Oxygen XML Editor是一款基于Java的XML编辑器,支持XML, XSL, TXT, XSD, DTD文档,能自行校验XML, XSL, XSD代码,提示脚本错误。Oxygen能自动完成结束标签,代码高亮现实,支持Unicode。

Oxygen XML Editor是一款简洁并且功能一流的集XML察看和编辑等功能为一体的软件。由于它提供了对XML编辑特性的完整覆盖,因此,无论在企业界还是学术界,该软件的应用都很普及。它能工作在XML Schemas/ DTDs/Relax NG schemas和NRL Schemas.强大的转换支持让你不仅能编辑XSLT和XSL-FO文档,也能把它们转换成为你想要的如HTML/PS/PDF等文件。

下载Windows版后,解压,时面有 oxygen.exe安装包,还有一个名为 iNViSiBLE 的文件夹

运行安装包oxygen.exe,默认安装就可以,安装好后,不要急于启动Oxygen XML Editor,破解激活先:

首先,把iNViSiBLE文件夹里的 keygen.bat 和 oxygen_keygen.jar拷贝到一个分区的根目录(这样后面用cmd命令操作的时候好输入一些)
比如,我把它们放在了 D:\ 盘下面

运行cmd(Vista或Win7下请使用管理员身份运行cmd命令),在命令提示符中切换当前目录到 D:\ 盘,并执行 keygen.bat 这个批处理文件


1. 点击图中①按钮Patch,找到oxygen安装目录下的C:\Program Files\Oxygen XML Editor 12\lib\oxygen.jar 这个文件,打补丁;

2. 上面简单输入信息Name和Company后,再点图中②按钮Generate Key,生成注册码,如图所示,复制那N行注册码,启动Oxygen XML Editor主程序,第一次运行会让输入注册码,把刚刚复制的注册码粘贴进去,确定就大功告成了。

Oxygen is an XML Editor, XSLT/XQuery Debugger and Profiler with full Unicode support. It supports visual XML editing driven by CSS stylesheets. It offers a powerful code insight that can follow a DTD, Relax NG or an XML Schema or even can learn the structure from a partial edited document. XML and XSL documents can be easily associated one with the other and the transformation results can be viewed as text or HTML. Oxygen provides a visual schema editor for W3C XML Schema and Relax NG schema designed to simplify the development and understanding of the schema files.

Oxygen validates XML, XSL, XQUERY, FO, XSD, RNG, RNC,NRL, DTD, Schematron, WSDL and CSS content, reporting errors with description and line number information and marking them in the document when validate as you type is enabled. It comes with the latest Docbook DTD and stylesheets.Includes the Apache FO Processor, being able to generate PDF and PostScript. Other FO processors can be configured as plugins. Oxygen provides a special layout when entering in debugging mode to show the source and the stylesheet documents side by side and to show also the results and special debugging views.


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